Monday, February 10, 2014


When this project was first announced I was puzzled, not fully sure what I wanted to do. All I really knew was that I was sick and tired of having to constantly think about my future, thinking why I couldn't think about the time I have now instead of wasting it thinking about the future. That's when it hit me, I have total control of this project so of course I was going to steer it into the direction I was thinking. Why not start a project that helped me take extreme advantage of the present and only look into it instead of looking into my future like every other class is trying to get me to do. I know what's waiting for me after I graduate, but while I'm still here I want to use my free time and get it to a point where I go off into my future having absolutely no regrets because I actually did the things I wanted to while I had the chance. In order to do this I would need to organize a few things. First off I would need to be able to manage my time in a way that I could do anything I wanted to but still get my school work done because I can not slack on it. Secondly I would have to prioritize the things in my life to make sure that I was putting the main priorities first instead of overlooking one thing because I didn't see it. I started seeing a pattern in the sources I was finding, and this ladies and gentlemen is where I can say my project took off.

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