Monday, August 19, 2013


Question 1
The one factor I believe will affect my participation and learning is just my own laziness. I believe that at some point throughout the year I will start to slack off on my work and get behind.

Question 2
The only experience I could think of was back in 8th grade during my history class I was playing a game that had to do with memorizing people, places, etc. Then when I was trying to remember I said out loud, "I can't remember his name," then my teacher said to not say that. He told us about how our verbal actions and mental actions connect, so by saying you can't remember it you don't remember it. This taught me how to actually remember small things like that, if I studied and actually know the answer I can remember it as long as I don't tell myself I can't. This has helped a lot.

Question 3
What I am most excited about for this year is just this new way of learning, I really want to see if this learning method will help me or confuse me. I'm so use to sitting in front of a book and spending hours reading it in order to comprehend and just be able to explain what's happening in the book. Now in this class textbooks and other books are rarely used and I would want to see how this works out for me.

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