Thursday, January 16, 2014


Accoutrements- personal clothing/ accessories
People are familiar with the accoutrements of a religious ritual. 
Apogee- the highest or most distant point; climax.
Every story has an apogee, making it interesting. 
Apropos- fitting; at the right time; to the purpose; opportunely
She remarked the apropos o the initiative, "Its not going to stop the abuse."
Bicker- to engage in petulant or peevish argument; wrangle
 The two were always bickering.
Coalesce- to grow together or into one body
The two lakes coalesced into one.
Contretemps- an inopportune occurrence; an embarrassing mischance
He caused a minor contretemps by knocking over his drink.
Convolution- a rolled up or coiled condition
Crosses adorned with elaborate convolutions. 
Cull- to choose; select; pick
Anecdotes culled from Greek and Roman history are still used today. 
Disparate- distinct in kind; essentially different; dissimilar
He had some disparate ideas.
Dogmatic- asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated.
He gives his opinions without trying to be dogmatic. 
Licentious - disregarding accepted rules or conventions
When doing his work the man seemed licentious as he did his work.
Mete - dispense or allot justice, a punishment, or harsh treatment

He denounced the maltreatment meted out to minorities.
Noxious - harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant 

They were overcome by the noxious fumes.
Polemic - a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something

His polemic against the cultural relativism of the sixties.
Populous - having a large population

The town was densely populated.
Probity - having strong moral principles; honesty and decency

Some people have a financial probity.
Repartee - conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies

When talking to someone who is repartee, you feel challenged and enjoy the conversation.
Supervene - occur later than a specified or implied event or action

Any plan that is made liable to be disrupted by supervening events.
Truncate - to shorten by cutting off the top or end

The discussion was truncated by the arrival or our food.
Unimpeachable - not able to be doubted or questioned

The case had an unimpeachable witness.

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